Usually, when people join sex hookup sites (eg they have no intention of ever saying no. I hope you can see why this is the case. The main reason why they joined anonymous online sex websites is to get laid. You’re not going to turn down a free blessing, right? Well, not so fast. You see, even if the hottest woman on the planet wanted to jump on your bones, you might want to think twice. As the old saying goes, not everything that glitters is gold.
If you are able to understand this and use this as a guiding principle, you would do well at sex hookup sites. The problem is most guys basically forget about this. They think that pussy is pussy and they essentially rush in without thinking. This is why time and time again guys fail.
Sure, they end up fucking, but they end up screwing themselves at the end. What do I mean by this? They do such a bad job with the experience that women talk behind their backs and they can pretty much kiss all their future successes goodbye. You have to learn how to say no. You have to make sure that whatever situation you get into, work to your maximum advantage. This is a key part of growing up.
Unfortunately, we live in a very sheltered world. A lot of people have all sorts of expectations and a sense of entitlement. All these things conspire to essentially ensure that you fail in a lot of areas in your life. You may have a lot of things going on at a certain area of your life, but in everywhere else you’re pretty much falling flat on your face. If you want to maximize the amount of control and satisfaction you get from life, you have to learn how to say no. You have to learn self-control.
Even if you are faced with this goddess-like creature who wants to just get nasty with you, you have to understand that certain things have to happen at a certain time and at a certain place. If things aren’t playing out properly, then it’s probably a good idea to say no. Also, you must never compromise your standards. A lot of guys think that online sex dating is like going to a buffet. They go all crazy because all the stuff is free. Well, if that’s your attitude with women, then you’re going to be digging yourself an early grave.